All you need for this one is a place to step up onto and a pair of dumbbells.
Cardio 5 rounds
Jacks x10
Seals x10
Jacks x10
Side lunges x4
High Knees x10
Reverse Lunges x4
Weights 3 rounds
Dumbbell Box Step-Ups x 50/40/30
DB Shoulder Press x8
DB Bent Over Row x8
DB Goblet Squat x8
DB Stiff Dead Lift x8
Note: Use heavier weights on step ups if possible or wear a heavy back pack. This simulated hiking or stair climbing with a load. You can alternate your stepping up (left,right).
Or Single Leg step up (left then right) by placing one foot on your step and keeping it there. Then step up bringing the opposite leg thats not on the box up to Your other foot.